Why We Sleep – Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams

Why We Sleep – Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams

Why We Sleep – Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams,
by Matthew Walker Ph. D.

Bach Flower Remedies’ “Rescue Sleep” helps calm our restless minds, providing natural relief of occasional sleeplessness caused by stress and repetitive thoughts. Bach Flower Remedies are non-sedative and non-habit forming.

The recently released book, with breakthrough research, “Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker, illustrates the harm caused by not sleeping seven or more hours per day and proposes ways to promote the sleep that we need.

Five Tips for Better Sleep from Dr. Matthew Walker

1. Keep it regular.
Go to bed and wake up at the same time, even at the weekend.
2. Keep it cool
Lower your core temperature by 1.2 degrees Centigrade to fall asleep.
3. Dim the lights before bed
Bright lights and screens disrupt the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.
4. Walk it out
If you can’t sleep, get up and do something until the urge to sleep returns.
5. Pass on the Espresso and nightcap
Alcohol fragments sleep and block REM sleep, so don’t drink in the evening.

Matthew Walker is a professor of neuroscience and biology at the University of California at Berkeley. He is the founder of the Center for Human Sleep Science. Dr. Walker (not a medical doctor) started his career as a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School where he came to believe that psychiatry and sleep were interconnected. He has dedicated over 20 years to sleep research.

Dr. Edward Bach, more than 80 years ago, had an equally strong belief that our emotional state plays a fundamental role in health, sickness, healing, and critical human functions like healthy natural sleep. Dr. Bach was the renowned English bacteriologist and researcher who discovered the Bach Flower Remedies. “Rescue Sleep” contains six of the Bach Flower Remedies 38 remedies found most effective in leading to better sleep.

Dr. Walker’s decades of sleep research point to serious harm to our health and our ability to fend off decease and heal ourselves caused by the insufficient or poor quality of sleep. Dr. Walker warns us that lack of sleep will shorten our lives and increase our chances of suffering from Alzheimer, for example. With serious sleep deprivation, the brain suffers loss of memory and learning capacity, emotional and mental health stress, aggression, hallucination, high blood pressure, and hormonal imbalances.

Whimsically Dr. Walkers says in his book, “Scientists have discovered a revolutionary new treatment that makes you live longer. It enhances your memory and makes you more attractive. It keeps you slim and lowers food cravings. It protects you from cancer and dementia. It wards off colds and flu. It lowers your risk of heart attacks and stroke, not to mention diabetes. You’ll even feel happier, less depressed, and less anxious. Are you interested?”. In addition, he continues, “Imagine if there was a medicine you could take that was guaranteed to make you live longer. A medicine that could help you stay slim, protect you from infection, and keep you feeling happy and fulfilled. Interested?”

“Well, listen to this: the medicine in question not only exists, but it is also already available free of charge in your own home. It’s called sleep“.

Dr. Walker warns against sleeping pills. “Sleeping pills are sedation, sedation is not sleeping.”

Side effects of prescription sleeping pills

Depending on the type, prescription sleeping pills may include side effects such as:
• Dizziness or lightheadedness
• Headache
• Gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea and nausea
• Prolonged drowsiness, more so with drugs that help you stay asleep
• Severe allergic reaction
• Sleep behaviors, such as sleep-driving and sleep-eating
• Daytime memory and performance problems

The Bach Flower Remedies, on the contrary, are natural and have no known side effects.
Changing our environment to make it more inviting to better sleep, is part of good sleep hygiene. Another thing influencing satisfactory sleep is our emotions and how we manage them. Bach Flower Remedies is the name trusted for over 80 years for the natural, non-sedative, non-addictive relief from stress, fears, anxiety, and other emotional imbalances, any of which can disrupt our sound sleep and injure our health.

List of Active Ingredients in all Bach Remedies Rescue Sleep Products:

White Chestnut: To help ease restless mind.
Star of Bethlehem: For trauma and shock.
Clematis: For the tendency to “pass out”, and unconsciousness, being ‘far away’ and not present mentally.
Cherry Plum: Fear of mind giving way, verge of breakdown, anger.
Impatiens: For irritability, tension, and fidgety.
Rock Rose: For frozen terror and panic.

Content: 5x (HPUS) dilution Star of Bethlehem – Orithogalum umbellatum Rock Rose – Helianthemum Cherry Plum – Prunus cerasifera Impatiens – Impatiens gladulifera Clematis – Clematis vitalba White Chestnut – Aesculus Hippocastanum

For more information on “Why We Sleep – Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams” by Matthew Walker Ph. D. and the work of Dr. Edward Bach and his Bach Flower Remedies, or for personalized consultations on the Bach Flower Remedies, visit www.BachFlower.com

By Tony Dolz
Natural Health News

Learn more at www.BachFlower.com and its exclusive distributor www.DirectlyfromNature.com

The Story of the Travelers by Dr. Edward Bach

Water flowing over rocks
Natural Stream

The Story of the Travelers by Dr. Edward Bach

Once upon a time; and it was always once upon a time, sixteen travelers set out to journey through a forest.

At first all went well, but after they had journeyed some distance one of the number, Agrimony, began to be worried as to whether they were on the right path. Later in the afternoon as they went deeper into the shadows, Mimulus began to be afraid, afraid that they had lost the road. When the sun set and the shadows deepened and the night-noises of the forest were heard around them, Rock Rose became full of terror and was in a state of panic. In the middle of the night when all was blackness, Gorse lost all hope and said, “I can go no further; you go along, but I shall stay here as I am until death relieves my sufferings”

Oak, on the other hand, though feeling all was lost and they would never again see the sunshine said, ” I shall struggle on to the very last,” and he did in a wild way.
Scleranthus had some hope but at times he suffered so from uncertainty and indecision, first wanting to take one road and almost at once another. Clematis plodded on quietly and patiently, but caring oh so little if he fell into the last sound sleep or whether he got out of the forest. Gentian at times much cheered the party, but at others fell into a state of despondency and depression.

Others of the travelers never feared but that they would get through and in their own way wanted so much to help their companions.

Heather was very sure he knew the path and wanted all the company to take his way. Chicory had no concern about the end of the journey but was full of solicitude as to whether his followers were footsore or tired or had enough to eat. Cerato had not much confidence in his judgment and wanted to take every path to be sure they were not wrong; and meek little centaury so wanted to lighten the burden that he was ready to carry everybody’s baggage. Unfortunately for little centaury, he generally carried the burden of those most able to carry their own because they called out the loudest.

Rock Water, all afire to help, a little depressed the party because he would criticize what they were doing wrong, and yet rock water knew the way. Vervain should also have known the path well enough, but although he had become a little confused, held forth at length as to the only way out of the wood. Impatiens, too, well knew the pathway home, so well that he was impatient with those less speedy than himself. Water Violet had travelled the way before and knew the right road and yet was a little proud and a little disdainful that others did not understand. Water Violet thought them a little inferior.

And in the end they all came through the forest.

Now they go as guides to other travelers who have not made the journey before, and, because they know there is a pathway through, and because they know the darkness of the forest is bust shadows of the night, they walk as “gentlemen unafraid,” and each of the sixteen sojourners teach in their own way the lesson, the example needed.
Agrimony strides along free of all care, and jests on everything. Mimulus can know no fear; Rock Rose in the darkest moments is a picture of calm serene courage. Gorse in the blackest night tells them of the progress they will make when the sun rises in the morning. Oak stands steadfast in the strongest gale; Scleranthus walks with perfect certainty; the eyes of clematis are fixed on the journey’s end, and no difficulties or set-backs can discourage Gentian.

Heather has learnt that each traveler must walk in his own way and quietly treads in front to show it can be done. Chicory, always wanting to lend a hand, but only when asked and then so quietly. Cerato knows so well the paths that lead to nowhere, and Centaury ever seeks the weakest who find their burden heavy.
Rock Water has forgotten to accuse, he just spends all the time encouraging. Vervain no longer preaches but silently points the way. Impatiens knows no hurry but lingers amongst their hindmost to keep their pace; and Water Violet, more like an angel than a man, passes among the company like a breath of warm wind or a ray of glorious sunshine, blessing everyone.

(This article was written by Dr. Bach in 1934 when only 16 of the 38 remedies had been discovered)

What is Insomnia?

What is Insomnia?

What Causes Insomnia?

Insomnia is a common condition in which you have trouble falling or staying asleep. This condition can range from mild to severe, depending on how often it occurs and for how long.

Insomnia can be chronic (ongoing) or acute (short-term). Chronic insomnia means having symptoms at least 3 nights a week for more than a month. Acute insomnia lasts for less time.

Some people who have insomnia may have trouble falling asleep. Other people may fall asleep easily but wake up too soon. Others may have trouble with both falling asleep and staying asleep.

As a result, insomnia may cause you to get too little sleep or have poor-quality sleep. You may not feel refreshed when you wake up.


There are two types of insomnia. The most common type is called secondary or comorbid insomnia. This type of insomnia is a symptom or side effect of some other problem.

More than 8 out of 10 people who have insomnia are believed to have secondary insomnia. Certain medical conditions, medicines, sleep disorders, and substances can cause secondary insomnia.

In contrast, primary insomnia isn’t due to a medical problem, medicines, or other substances. It is its own disorder. A number of life changes can trigger primary insomnia, including long-lasting stress and emotional upset.

Insomnia can cause excessive daytime sleepiness and a lack of energy. It also can make you feel anxious, depressed, or irritable. You may have trouble focusing on tasks, paying attention, learning, and remembering. This can prevent you from doing your best at work or school.

Insomnia also can cause other serious problems. For example, you may feel drowsy while driving, which could lead to an accident.


Secondary insomnia often resolves or improves without treatment if you can stop its cause—especially if you can correct the problem soon after it starts. For example, if caffeine is causing your insomnia, stopping or limiting your intake of the substance may cause your insomnia to go away.

Lifestyle changes, including better sleep habits, often help relieve acute insomnia. For chronic insomnia, your doctor may recommend a type of counseling called cognitive-behavioral therapy or medicines.

Secondary Insomnia

Secondary insomnia is the symptom or side effect of another problem. This type of insomnia often is a symptom of an emotional, neurological, or other medical or sleep disorder.

Emotional disorders that can cause insomnia include depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are examples of common neurological disorders that can cause insomnia.

A number of other conditions also can cause insomnia, such as:

* Conditions that cause chronic pain, such as arthritis and headache disorders
* Conditions that make it hard to breathe, such as asthma and heart failure
* An overactive thyroid
* Gastrointestinal disorders, such as heartburn
* Stroke
* Sleep disorders, such as restless legs syndrome and sleep-related breathing problems
* Menopause and hot flashes

Secondary insomnia also may be a side effect of certain medicines. For example, certain asthma medicines, such as theophylline, and some allergy and cold medicines can cause insomnia. Beta blockers also may cause the condition. These medicines are used to treat heart conditions.

Commonly used substances also may cause insomnia. Examples include caffeine and other stimulants, tobacco or other nicotine products, and alcohol or other sedatives.
Primary Insomnia

Primary insomnia isn’t a symptom or side effect of another medical condition. This type of insomnia usually occurs for periods of at least 1 month.

A number of life changes can trigger primary insomnia. It may be due to major or long-lasting stress or emotional upset. Travel or other factors, such as work schedules that disrupt your sleep routine, also may trigger primary insomnia.

Even if these issues are resolved, the insomnia may not go away. Trouble sleeping may persist because of habits formed to deal with the lack of sleep. These habits may include taking naps, worrying about sleep, and going to bed early.

The Bach Flower Remedies, Insomnia and sleeplessness

The Bach Flower Remedies can help you when you have problems sleeping or wakes up in the middle of the night unable to go back to sleep due to repeated unwanted thoughts:
The Bach Flower Remedies remove stress and worries so that the body are able to relax. When the body and mind is calm and relaxed, sleep comes naturally.

These are the Bach Flower Remedies that can help:

Impatiens: When we get irritated and impatient that sleep doesn’t come naturally. (In Rescue Remedy and Rescue Sleep)
White Chestnut: When we have repeated unwanted thoughts, that prevent our mind to be calm. (Rescue Sleep)
Star of Bethlehem: When we have experienced trauma which prevent us from sleeping. (In Rescue Remedy and Rescue Sleep)
Vervain: When we are overly excited about a project or idea that sleep is impossible.
Mimulus: When you fear going to bed and be unable to sleep.

Bach Rescue Sleep Aid
Bach Rescue Sleep Aid
Symptoms of Depression

Symptoms of Depression

Managing the symptoms of depression can be difficult, especially as they may not be limited to one episode and could return without an appropriate treatment plan. Symptoms that persist even after initial antidepressant treatment are referred to as “unresolved symptoms.” The DSM-IV, a medical reference commonly used by healthcare professionals to aid in diagnosis, outlines the symptoms of a major depressive episode, which include many of the following symptoms occurring nearly every day for at least two weeks.

  • -Depressed mood most of the day; feeling sad or empty, tearful.
  • -Significant loss of interest or pleasure in activities that used to be enjoyable.
  • -Significant weight loss (when not dieting) or weight gain; decrease or increase in appetite.
  • -Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much.
  • -Agitation; or slowing down of thoughts and reduction of physical movements.
  • -Fatigue or loss of energy.
  • -Feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt.
  • -Poor concentration or difficulty making decisions.
  • -Thinking about death or suicide.


If you have any of these symptoms or emotions, the Bach Flower Remedies can help you feel better.

Take a look at these Bach Flower Remedies:
Mustard: Depression and sadness that comes and goes for no reason.
Elm: When you feel overwhelmed, with too much to do, and not enough time, you feel depressed.
Pine: Feeling guilt for things that are not your fault.
Gentian: Feeling discouraged by small setbacks.
Cherry Plum: When you fear that you might lose control of your emotions or actions.
Larch: When you lack self-esteem.
Olive: Feeling exhausted and lacking energy.
Hornbeam: For the “Monday morning” feeling, the day ahead seems too hard and you might procrastinate.
White Chestnut: For repeated unwanted thoughts.
Aspen: When you have a feeling something bad is going to happen, but you cannot put a name to it.

Depressed and sad feelings can be alleviated with Bach Flower Remedies. These remedies help to balance emotions such as anxiety, jealousy, trauma, sadness, fears, worries, lack of self-confidence, and impatience to name a few.

Learn more about the Bach Flower Remedies at www.BachFlower.com

The Bach Flower Remedies are 100% safe with no side effects and when you feel fine again you stop taking the remedies and you will remain fine.

Request free literature at info@bachflower.com

-Bettina Rasmussen

Bach Rescue Remedy Pet

Rescue Remedy for animals

Bach Rescue Remedy Pet for Dogs, Cats and other animals

Rescue Remedy and Bach Flower Remedies, are trusted names for nearly 100 years and a favorite of natural medicine doctors and veterinarians around the world for the treatment of stress and emotional problems affecting human and animal health, is now a best seller.

Rescue Remedy is the #1 Stress Relief for Animals

Bach Flower Remedies for pets sales have double every year for a number of years. Consumer surveys indicate that caring pet owners prefer to treat their animals and pets with non-narcotic non-habit forming natural remedies, says Bettina Rasmussen, BachFlower.com.

Rescue Remedy Pet is especially formulated for the most delicate of animals and pets and is preserved in natural sweet tasting glycerin. This is the same safe preservative used on Bach Rescue Remedy Kids for children and pregnant women. There are no known side effects or counter-indications for Bach Flower Remedies.

Rescue Remedy Pet has been recently featured in leading Equestrian, Dog and Cat, and Pet magazines. Numerous books have been written specifically about Beach Flower Remedies for pets and animals. Among the best selling in this genre are: “Bach Flower Remedies for Animals”, by Stefan Ball; “Dog Misbehaving – Solving Problems with Bach Flower Remedies”, by Gael Mariani; and “Emotional Healing for Horses and Ponies”, by Heather Simpson. These and many more books are available for reseller purchase at BachFlower.com

Animals have emotions also. They feel fear, anger, jealousy and depression as humans do.

According to Marc Berkoff, Professor of Biology at the University of Colorado, scientists have abandoned the notion that emotion-like behavior is programmed behavior in animals.

Berkoff’s research indicates that elephants can experience grief, mice feel empathy, rats feel joy when playing with a friend, sharks get mad and koalas are very fickle about their changing likes and dislikes. The maligned crocodile mums care for their kids, squid can be shy, fish can be addictive personalities and coyotes can feel emotional depression.

A study published in the journal Nature in 2006 showed that more advanced mammals, like the whale, possess spindle neurons, which in humans are known to be associated with emotional response and social behavior.

In his heart warming book, The Pig Who Sang to the Moon, author Jeffrey Moussaieff, lays out the evidence that our familiar farm animals have feelings and even consciousness. Moussaieff research reveals that pigs, which are curious and intelligent by nature, take pride in being self-reliant.

We love our animals and pets and they reward us by sharing with us their feelings of joy and happiness, if we only take the time to read the signs.

The Bach Flower Remedies help our animals and pets cope with negative emotions that rob them, other animals around them and their owners of the quiet enjoyment of their lives. For a cat, traveling by car across town can be a traumatic experience and dogs and other pets may experience a visit to the vet as a fearful experience.

Prolonged fear and stress have been proven to weaken the immune system leaving both humans and animals vulnerable to decease and slow recovery from illnesses and injuries.

Many natural medicine licensed doctors of veterinarian medicine recommend and use Bach Flower Remedies for their patients. Testimonials can be found at BachFlower.com.

Rescue Remedy Pet is effective and affordable.  Small pets require only 2 drops into the mouth, food or drink; while large animals like a horse take 10 drops in a bucket of water. In some cases a response comes in less than an hour.

Bach Flower Remedies pet brochures are available for your customers and patients. Resellers may purchase the Original Bach Flower Remedies at BachFlower.com.

Visit BachFlower.com * 800 214 2850 * Email: info@BachFlower.com

© 2008-2024 BachFlower.com Bach and Rescue Remedy are trademarks of Bach Flower Remedies Limited


Posted by Tony Dolz

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