Treat yourself to a one-on-one personalized Bach Flower Consultation with an experienced Bach Centre trained practitioner Bettina Rasmussen. You deserve peace and tranquility in your life.
The Bach Flower Remedies can heal all emotional imbalances, such as anger, stress, anxiety, trauma, depression, children’s nightmares, separation anxiety, adjustment issues, bullying, lack of self-esteem, and everything in between.
The Remedies also soothe the soul naturally during major transitions such as divorce, death, homesickness, menopause and the teenage years.
Each Bach Flower Consultation includes 3 months free support, plus 10% Discount on your total order at
Following the consultation, you’ll receive a personalized list of suggested Bach Flower Remedies and what to expect in the healing process.
“Disease of the body itself is nothing but the result of the disharmony between soul and mind. Remove the disharmony, and we regain harmony between soul and mind, and the body is once more perfect in all its parts.”
-Dr. Edward Bach
Bach Flower Consultation with a Bach Flower Practitioner
Bettina is a Bach Foundation trained Bach Flower Practitioner with nearly 30 years’ experience helping clients achieve joy and happiness with the help of the Bach Flower Remedies. Bettina is married and mother of two. She and her family live in Southern California and are using the Bach Flower Remedies whenever needed, which seems to be every day. When her children were small their favorite Bach Product was Rescue Cream, which they renamed “Boo-Boo Cream.”
What our customers have to say about the Bach Flower Consultation
Well worth it
April 27, 2020
Reviewer: Tiia from Finland
Bought this for my 4 month old son for his sleep problems. I received the consultation within the same evening and the remedies described have worked. I’d definitely recommend this!
March 28, 2016
Reviewer: Glenn from Orlando, FL United States
Bettina has been awesome, very patient and caring. She has also been encouraging. The remedy is working.
Consultation helpful
January 12, 2015
Reviewer: Anonymous Person from Dexter, MI United States
The email consultation I received was very helpful at getting me started with Bach Flower remedies. I am hopeful that they will be as helpful as has been reported by several of my friends.
Pleased with the outcome
July 15, 2014
Reviewer: Liza Perry from Peterboorugh, ON Canada
I am getting healthier and healthier every day thanks to the person who helped me find the best bach flower remedies for me. I was also pleased that each time I had a question, it was answered quickly. Thank you for your guidance!
December 30, 2013
Reviewer: Pamela Moore from Mt Gambier East, south australia Australia
I am very happy with my consulation, it was clear & I will be purchasing drops in the near future, very happy to have found this web site – many thanks
Warm, friendly, expert help
July 16, 2013
Reviewer: Anonymous Person from Penobscot, ME United States
My Bach flower consultation was wonderful! Bettina took the time and asked the questions needed to give me a great handle on what essences were indicated. I’m in the midst of the protocol now, and feeling improvement already. Thank You!
May 1, 2013
Reviewer: Anda Corbescu from Westford, MA United States
She is awesome! Exceeding my expectations! I am so grateful!
Bach Flower Remedies
November 27, 2012
Reviewer: Donna DiGiuseppe from Danbury, TX United States
Seven remedies were what I needed after my consultation. Within 24 hours of taking them I had a major energetic shift. It was very noticable as I felt a direct line of energy travel down the right side of my body. I continue to take the remedies daily with much respect and honor for the simplicty yet strength of the remedies.
Great Consult
June 24, 2016
Reviewer: Catheyne Bruggemen from The Plains, VA United States
Bettina was very knowledgeable and caring. It is great to have the ease of access to this service despite your location. Made it very simple to get started on the right path.
phone consultation
August 31, 2015
Reviewer: Douglas Weinert from San Angelo, TX United States
Bettina was very pleasant, helpful to work with and seems to know her product quite well